The Charter
Create clean
- Define what value means for your work, find or create a relevant framework, get yourself a support network or quizzical friend
- Be conscious of who you work with – interrogate and educate your supply chain, clients and partners
- Focus on fit for purpose design, keep it simple, buy only what you need and think circular
- Reduce energy consumption and switch to green energy/hosting
- Make your money matter – banks, pensions etc
Declare & share
- Publicise your short-term and longer-term sustainability goals, reflect them in every meeting and project
- Be transparent about your progress and the process with your sector, your community and beyond
- Use your creativity to engage people emotionally with your narrative as it develops
- Track deeds, not words, celebrate improvements rather than perfection!
Lead by example
- Challenge the brief, encourage action and call out greenwashing or misinformation
- Collaborate inclusively, take one step beyond your current echo chamber
- Creating change will no doubt be uncomfortable at times, what are you willing to give up?
Be human
- Be open, honest and truthful to your values, make time for others’ perspectives
- Take time to look outward beyond your day to day life and build in periods of reflection
Start now, be bold!
- Action, action, action
- The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now. This applies to creativity, there is no time like now
Sign the Charter
Join the 259 individuals and organisations that are pledging their commitment to start applying these principles in their craft.
- Aaron Kelwick Still&Nimble
- Adele Kelly AK Creative Brand Strategy Limited
- Ahsan Khan Climate Labs
- Aisling Magill Aisling Magill Photography
- Alex Graves Hutch
- Ali Clifford Incredibusy marketing
- Alice Nightingale Boaz Studio
- Amy Louise Raymond
- Amy Pedid The Sage Mages
- Amy Ramage Célibataire
- Amy Wright Kind Tide
- Andrew Gibson Vivid
- Andrew Myles Liven Creative Ltd
- Andy Marshall Harrison Brands
- Anna Conley Ethos Digital Agency
- Anthony Lebossé Studio 5•5
- Aria Moazzen ThePlanitCo
- Avalon Santos Willmott Creative Brand Design
- Avril Greenaway Cleaner Seas Project
- Bartosz Lasota Ambient Hub
- Beckie Waters Distil This
- Ben Ravetta Brightwork
- bilgesu altunkan Turkey Textile Research Organization
- Bruno Scott Independent Consultant
- Carys Tait Carys-ink Illustration & Design
- Cath Harris Ipsa Consulting
- Cathy FITZGERALD Haumea Ecoversity
- Charles Sladdin Purple Banana
- Charlotte Holroyd Creative Wilderness
- Chiara De Francesco Wholegrain Digital
- Chris Seed Pine Design Studio
- Christian Cooper Christian Cooper Creative
- Christina Dymiotis Fashion Heritage Network Cyprus
- Christopher Bellamy
- Christopher Shadrick Collective World
- Claire Marshall Mount Pleasant Eco Park
- Claire Marshall Mount Pleasant Eco Park
- Clare Campbell Prickly Thistle Scotland Ltd
- Clare Martin Blue Cactus Digital
- clare osborb Wild Ocean Soul
- Colin Grist Few and Far Ltd
- Corin Martin Yarn
- Craig Bossley Leafer Circular Design
- Damian James Alias Digital
- Dan Hinton Pixelfish
- Darren Whittington Mutiny Agency Ltd
- David Gacsko Hierarchy Inc
- David Smith Just Enough Brave
- Dawn Stephenson Red Hot Media & Marketing
- Denzil Monk Bosena
- Derek Salmon Pikselkraft
- Derek Watson CanalPath Creative Ltd
- Dom Cooper Vu Online
- Dominica Williamson Ecogeographer
- Donna Mcguigan Archetype Accessories
- Ece Eyisoy Elp Studio ltd
- Eddie Fieg Eddie Fieg Studio
- Eirini Sampson Sustainability for Students
- Eleanor Macdonald Prickly Thistle Scotland
- Elisa Harris Krowji
- Ella Ella Clark Ella Clark Coach
- Ellie Good Ellie Good Illustration
- Ellie Mann Good Design Studio
- Ellie Russell Stranger Collective
- Emily Monsell-Holden Hollow & Hill Ltd
- Emily Sorrell Doorstep Creatives Ltd
- Emma Segal
- Fashion Heritage Network Cyprus FHNC
- Fernando Kylasopathan Fourlines Design Studio
- Fiona Hamilton Roccoco UK
- Fiona Nation Working Progress
- Fiona Wotton Creative Kernow
- Gail Hoban GAS Brand Studio Ltd
- Gemma Lovett wda automotive marketing
- Genette Dibsdall Aerc Studio
- Georgie Upton Wild Card
- Georgie Monaghan Propellernet
- Greg Findley Mantra Design
- Hanna Henshall If Not Now
- Hannah Cox betternotstop
- Harriet Carage Don't Cry Wolf
- Hayley Clarke chickpeacollective
- Headless Horse Headless Horse
- Heather Davies Small Footprint Agency
- Heather Forster Empower Coaching International
- Heather Gonzalez Brandville
- Heather Knight arteri
- Heather Knight Heather Knight Creative Limited
- Heidi Mabbott Heidi.Mabbott.Studio
- Helen Johnston LEAP
- Holly La Porte A Little Better Co.
- Hope Nothhelfer Of The Wild
- Hugo Guanipa Hugo Guanipa
- Hugo Lemaitre UNA Studio
- Hugues Louradour Lékip Design Studio
- Imogen Coleman LEAP
- Ines Gurovich Ines Gurovich
- Ioana Sabau
- Isabela de Matos Green Mandarin
- Isabela de Matos Green Mandarin
- Isobel Ridley Lavender Hill Clothing Limited
- James Sullivan The Black Dog Collective
- Jannine Barron Regenerative Business Mentoring
- Jasmine Cole Coppice Theatre
- Jasmine hortop Jasmine Hortop Illustration
- Jay Bigford Yoke
- Jaye Louis Douce Monomotif
- Jayne Armstrong L’Atelier de Jayne
- Jelle Mul Patagonia
- Jennifer Robson Jennifer Clair copywriting
- Jess Augarde Augarde Design
- Jessica Matisak Tokyo Calm
- Jim Johnston Jim Johnston Photography
- Joan Simpson Pope Joan Design Studio
- Joana Lemos Joana Casaca Lemos LDA
- Joanna Kay JK Creative Company
- Joel McNicholls The Positive Internet Company
- John Aylott Fourleaf
- John Pritchard Pala
- Jonas Deibjerg Rasmussen Regndans
- Jonathan Clement Alter Mater
- Josephine Billany Junxion
- Joss Ford Enviral
- Joss Ford Enviral
- Joyte Brown Black Voices Cornwall
- JR Doyle KindlyJR
- Jules Derevycka Gently Created
- Kate Osborne Considered Store
- Katherine Kowalski Analogy PR
- Keith Jeffrey BreakThrough Coaching & Consulting
- Kevin Mukoond Fourlines Design Studio
- Khandiz Joni Vujà Dé Creative Solutions & REGENASYST
- Kiera Murray Genuinely Conscious
- Kyla Goodey Goodey Trifle Gathering Productions
- Laura Foley Belle Empire
- Laura Giles Screen Cornwall
- Laura Ockenden Sproutworks
- Laura Service ilka
- Lauren Bibby Gauge Falmouth University
- Lawrence Magennis consider it design
- Liane Rossler Superlocalstudio
- Louis Websdale Websdale Ltd
- Louise Taylor Prickly Thistle Scotland
- Louise Zastrow Travel Kollekt
- Lucy Bunce Big Small Good
- lupe castro Mscastrorides /
- Maisie Wallace Voice Communications
- Mani I EDD
- Marie Szostková Maya Designer
- Marita McKay Kind & Conscious
- Marius Bleuer Unic AG
- Mark Thomas LowCarbon
- Mark Hoppe Regndans
- Mark Muir Mark Muir Architect
- Mark Picken Content Design London
- Martina Juranek
- Mat Arney Hailer
- Matt Franks Fluid Branding
- Matt Golding Rubber republic + The Cultural Content Lab
- Matt Greg NOSY | Eco & Tech Agency
- Matt Woodman Matt D Woodman
- Mel Chambers Alchemy Tiles
- Mel Chambers Alchemy Tiles
- Melanie Plank Common Objective
- Michele Haddon Brand Strategy Consultant
- Mike Hewett CHOPS.
- Minou Schillings The Green Sprint
- Mohith Agadi Fact Protocol
- Nahuai Badiola Nahuai Badiola
- Nathan Hambling Papaya–Studio
- Nathan Waelkens bitless
- Neil Fox Sound/Image Cinema Lab
- Ngaire Takano Takano Ngaire
- Nick Hart Sterts Arts and Environmental Crntre
- Nick Lewis LEAP
- Nick Thirsk
- Nick Wood Koolstof
- Ollie Blackmore Selesti
- Paul Boal Clever Ghost
- Paul Dicken Stranger Collective
- Paul Longley Standby Productions
- Paula Chalkho Murray Branding & Design
- Perry Haydn Taylor Big Fish
- Peter Balazs Polgar
- Peter O’Gara NA
- Pollyanna Durbin
- Priscila Terenzi Ka'a Harmony Foundation gUG
- Rachel Carvell-Spedding Navygrey
- Rachel O’Connor
- Raphy Mendoza RM Creative
- Rebecca Wetten Hubbub
- Rich Gundry Wonderland comms
- Richard LeCount USB Makers Intl
- Rob Lloyd Nice Cat Media
- Russ Avery Avery and Brown
- Russell Cosway Gydeline
- Ryan Laird Green Orbit Digital
- Ryan Shaw Conscious Sourcing
- Sai Challa Provis Technologies Private Limited
- Sam Agnew Everyday People
- Sam Ainsworth La Paz Films
- Sam Hamilton-Turner Soundquake
- Sam Pierpoint Sam Pierpoint
- Sara Treasurer intoBodmin
- Sarah Jordan Blue Smoke Digital
- Sarah Jordan Y.O.U Underwear Ltd
- Sarah Santacroce Humane Marketing
- Scott Bain Bain Group
- Scott Phillips scott knows solar
- Scott Phillips Chief of Green, LLC
- Shankar Revadala Commvault
- Shankar Revadala Commvault
- Shelley Ellis Brothers and Sisters
- Shona Sinha Honest ACTivist
- Siena Taylor Mocean
- Simon Owen Standby Productions Ltd
- Simon Owen Standby Productions Ltd
- Simon Rogers A Little Better Co
- Simon Winter Winter Design Ltd
- Slawko Wojciechowski Uphagen
- Sophia Schwan Sophia Schwan Styling
- Sophie Cowles Kingdom & Sparrow
- Stefan Ferguson Hex Digital
- Stefán Yngvi Pétursson Styngvi Designs
- Stefán Yngvi Pétursson Styngvi Designs
- Stephen Tozer Boaz Studio
- Steve Karroo Fourlines Design Studio
- Stevie McCrindle Sea Moor Cornwall
- Stevie Petet
- Sue Souter Pressante Communications
- Suzie Mills OXygen
- Tammy Mann Tammy Mann Creative
- Thomas Nadin Few and Far
- Tim Elliott Spill Teem UK
- Tim Frenneaux Tim Frenneaux & Co
- Tim Frick Mightybytes
- Tim Lindsay NU Creative Ltd
- Timothy Eaton Freelance
- Tom Dore Across the Pond
- Tom Crisp Falmouth University
- Tom Greenwood Wholegrain Digital
- Tom Locke Noughts & Ones
- Tyrone Probert Ecotribo ltd
- Valérie Crovara DIDWEDO SARL
- Victoria Rushton-Smith RushtonSmith
- Vincent Baranger Studio 5•5
- Vincent Baranger Studio 5•5
- Vineeta Greenwood Wholegrain Digital
- Vivek Paul The ecoperiod project
- Vivek Paul The ecoperiod project
- Vivek Paul Aboa Hasa Foundation
- Vivian Wood Call 2 Action
- Will Railton MSQ Sustain
- Wilma Allan Being At The Cottage
- Wren Fegarsky Schparkly Creative
- Zoe Howard Caxton Communications Ltd
- Zoe Robinson Freelance / The Good Wardrobe
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